Keep an eye on your money.

Stay informed about important account activity.

Choose email or text alerts
Avoid overdrafts
Prevent fraud

Know how every dime is spent and keep your money safe

Your financial security is our top priority. We understand that you can't monitor your accounts every moment of the day, which is why we enabled tools to help you along the way. Simply sign up for alerts on online banking or the Michigan First Mobile app, and tell us which notifications you want to receive. Whether it’s a low balance or suspicious transaction, we’ll alert you right away by email or text message.

Available alerts:

  • Overdrafts or low balances
  • Transactions that exceed a specified dollar amount
  • Deposits or withdrawals that exceed a specified dollar amount
  • Reminders of upcoming loan payments
  • Availability of new statements and other online documents
  • ATM withdrawals on your debit card
  • Declined transactions
  • International transactions

Alerts Sign-Up

  • Online banking: Sign on and access account alerts through the Alerts tab
  • Mobile app: Select Settings and then click on Alerts.

Michigan First is a full-service credit union with branches that are easily accessible around Metro Detroit, Grand Rapids and mid-Michigan.